Don't call 2018 'The Year of the Women'

Women are running for office in record numbers this year. And, within this pool, several of these women could become the first Muslim, Native American, or openly bisexual women to represent their states.

However, Kelly Dittmar, assistant professor of political science at Rutgers University, says it is important to put these numbers into context. Women make up a little over half of the U.S. population, but make up less than a quarter of elected officials in nearly every measure. Right now 22 out of 100 U.S. Senators are women. In the House of Representatives there are three open seats and, of the remaining 432, only 84 are held by women. Across all 50 states, there are only 6 women serving as governor.

Aimee Allison, the founder of She the People, is working to change that by helping more women of color to get involved with politics.

Allison and Dittmar joined MPR News host Kerri Miller for a conversation about the gains women could make in this year's midterm election and beyond.


Aimee Allison — Founder of She the People

Kelly Dittmar — Assistant professor of political science at Rutgers University

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