Twin Cities teen author aims to help children connect with dementia

Edie Weinstein published a children's book on dementia
Edie Weinstein, 16, published a children's book, "Grandpa and Lucy," which helps young people learn about and connect with loved ones living with dementia.
Max Nesterak | MPR News

Edie Weinstein is still a teenager. But the 16-year-old is already a published children's book author.

Weinstein is the author of "Grandpa and Lucy," a children's book about dementia. The Twin Cities native wrote the book to help young people learn about the disease and connect with grandparents, friends and loved ones living with dementia.

Weinstein started writing the book after working with ACT on Alzheimer's, a statewide volunteer advocacy group.

"What I learned primarily is that dementia can rob a person of their community and I'm a person that really believes in the power of community," she said. "I started learning that I need to do something to fix that."

Because of the stigma around the disease, Weinstein said many young people may not feel comfortable around people with dementia. But she hopes her book will help bring about greater understanding for those with dementia.

"They are struggling with a disease as much as you are struggling with interacting with this disease," she said.

MPR News' Cathy Wurzer spoke with Weinstein about her book.

Click audio player to hear their conversation.