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Winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings: Snow is on the way

The most significant snowfall in months is possible Wednesday night

Winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings southwest for Wednesday into Wednesday night
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, via Pivotal Weather

Updated 9:15 a.m.

A winter weather advisory and winter storm warning is posted for portions of southern Minnesota for Wednesday afternoon into Wednesday night. Several inches of snow could fall in some areas. 

Snow develops with several inches possible in some places

It’ll be a mild day ahead of developing rain and snow Wednesday. Highs will range from the low 40s in southeastern Minnesota to the mid-20s in northwestern Minnesota.

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Forecast highs Wednesday
National Weather Service

A winter weather advisory is posted for portions of southern Minnesota, where several inches of snow could fall late Wednesday into Wednesday night, in addition to a rain and snow mix to start.

A winter storm warning goes into effect at 11 a.m. in southwestern Minnesota around Marshall.

Winter weather advisories and winter storm warnings southwest for Wednesday into Wednesday night
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Snow showers will start in southwestern Minnesota by late morning with an initial start as rain. Then the rain will move into the Twin Cities and southeastern Minnesota this afternoon, turning to snow quickly by late afternoon and evening.

The snow will continue into the first half of Wednesday night. 

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Forecast precipitation 9 a.m. Wednesday through 3 a.m. Thursday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

There will be a narrow band of the heaviest snowfall amounting to several inches across south central Minnesota. Northern Minnesota will miss out on this one for the most part.

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Forecast snowfall late Wednesday into Wednesday night
National Weather Service

Behind the snow will come a brief shot of colder air. Temps will dip into the teens and 20s mostly Wednesday night.

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Forecast lows Wednesday night
National Weather Service

Sunshine will be back with us Thursday except for some lingering low clouds in far northern Minnesota. It will be cooler with highs in the teens and 20s to near 30 degrees in southern Minnesota. We’ll also have a northwest breeze at 10-20 mph.

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Forecast highs Thursday
National Weather Service

Thursday night will bring the coldest temperatures in weeks with teens in southern Minnesota and subzero readings in northwest Minnesota. Wind chill values early Friday will be in the teens below zero north.

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Forecast lows Thursday night
National Weather Service

Another system will clip southwestern Minnesota with more snow showers late Thursday night. Accumulations should be under 1 inch and limited to areas south of the Minnesota River.

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Forecast precipitation 3 p.m. Thursday through 3 a.m. Friday
NOAA, via Pivotal Weather

Friday’s high temperatures will be the first below normal readings since mid-January with mostly teens and 20s under partly cloudy skies.

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Forecast highs Friday
National Weather Service

The weekend should be dry with Saturday starting off on the cooler side before we warm to back above normal levels by Sunday into next week.