MPR News with Angela Davis

How to be a white ally and practice anti-racism

A crowd of people raising their fists.
A crowd raises their fists during a community rally May 29, 2020, in downtown Minneapolis to demand for justice for George Floyd.
Judy Griesedieck for MPR News

Many white people have reacted strongly to George Floyd’s killing in Minneapolis, but what does a meaningful reaction look like in this moment? How does white privilege transform into becoming better allies for people of color?

Being an ally isn’t about retweeting a hashtag or posting on social media. It’s about doing the work to foster real change.

To continue learning, check out Your Black Friends Are Busy — a growing portal of anti-racism resources.


Priska Neely is a reporter and producer at Reveal who recently published an essay called “Please stop ‘checking in on me to see if I’m OK.’”

Sarah Bellamy is the artistic director at Penumbra Theatre Co. in St. Paul. She recently published an essay called “Performing Whiteness.”

Debby Irving is a racial justice educator and author of "Waking Up White: And Finding Myself in the Story of Race." She also created the 21-day Racial Equity Habit Building Challenge.

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