Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

A new mom remembers the shuttered labor and delivery unit at Regina Hospital in Hastings

Newborn babies in the nursery.
Newborn babies in a nursery in upstate New York in 2017. Thursday, a labor and delivery unit at Regina Hospital in Hastings, Minn., closed for good due to budget concerns.
Seth Wenig | AP 2017

Thursday, the labor and delivery unit at Regina Hospital in Hastings, Minn., was quiet. Wednesday, babies were born there for the last time.

The unit is closing for good due to budget concerns. From now on, pregnant people will be directed to United Hospital in St. Paul instead. It was a move announced by parent company Allina Health last fall.

When the news came out, new mom and area resident Kaycee Tulip took to Facebook and wrote that it “breaks her heart” that Hastings and the surrounding communities are losing such a warm and personal service. Tulip told host Cathy Wurzer about her experience giving birth to a son at Regina Hospital.

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