MPR News with Angela Davis

Rural Voice: What it takes to build a business in rural Minnesota

A woman holds a microphone forward for a man who is speaking.
MPR News host Kerri Miller talked with folks in New Ulm, Minn., on Thursday about how to encourage rural entrepreneurship, part of the Rural Voice series of town halls.
Courtesy of Kelly Smith

Starting a new business takes moxie, no matter where you are.

But entrepreneurs in small towns face particular challenges.

In September, MPR News host Kerri Miller convened a town hall at Schell’s Brewery in New Ulm, Minn., to talk about those challenges and what can be done to overcome them. It ended up being a vibrant back and forth between small business owners and community leaders in the state’s southwest region about how to encourage and support entrepreneurs.

How do you build a business plan? Where do you find funding? And who is available to mentor owners just starting out?

This is part one in a four-part series featuring conversations from the Rural Voice project — a series of town halls hosted by Miller in communities across the state about the rewards and challenges of making a home in rural America.