Minnesota Now with Cathy Wurzer

Minnesota Now: April 8, 2024

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Minnesota Now
MPR News

On Monday, lawmakers heard a bill that would make swatting public officials a felony. Swatting is when someone makes a false emergency call of a violent incident such as a mass shooting or bomb threat, prompting the dispatch of emergency responders. We heard more about the dangers of swatting.

A veteran walked from Minnesota to Texas to witness Monday’s solar eclipse and raise money for the non-profit 23rd Veteran. He joined the show with a message for veterans like him. We also got live updates from the eclipse from MPR News meteorologist Sven Sundgaard, who traveled to Indiana to get the best view.

The final game in the women’s NCAA basketball championship was Sunday. Minnesota native Tessa Johnson led University of South Carolina to their victory. We spoke with her high school coach to get a glimpse into her beginnings, as well as his reaction to her early success.

And for the cherry on top, we had an inside look at a group that brings together Catholics nuns with nonreligious people for spiritual conversations.

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