
Every week, we bring you local and regional food and drink news, trends, reviews, flavors, recipes and advice. Appetites airs every Wednesday on MPR News' All Things Considered with host Tom Crann.

Appetites: Snow puts a freeze on spring dining
Unrelenting snow and sleet have made late April feel like February, and that means a seemingly endless winter for local diners who seek out seasonal food from our region.
Appetites: What's new in concessions in Minneapolis parks
It used to be that snack options at local parks were limited to popcorn and ice cream. Now, concessionaires at several city parks offer various goods from lattes and lemon-ginger scones, to tap beer and fresh oysters.
Appetites: Seasoning with maple syrup
It's sugar time in Minnesota, with maple sap flowing and being cooked down to delicious syrup around the region.
Appetites: Food taboos determine icky morsel or prized delicacy
Recent news of horse meat being mistakenly mixed into ground beef in Europe got us thinking about cultures that frown on eating horse meat, and why some foods are considered taboo -- or even "icky" in some cultures -- while other morsels are prized delicacies.
Appetites: Crave Brothers make a mean, green cheese
It's easy to think of local cheese as an old-fashioned, traditional food but the face of upper Midwestern cheese-making is changing to catch some new waves of flavor... and green energy.
Appetites: Restaurants with a side of retail
There's a new restaurant trend in the Twin Cities that does not involve foie gras-topped hamburgers, heirloom beet foams, or anything served on a plate.
Appetites: Food developments in unlikely places
There's a cavalcade of new food developments in the Twin Cities: a new burger bar that also serves elk Wellington, an ambitious attempt at serving sushi in the Minneapolis Skyway and a 21st century approach to food delivery.
Appetites: North Washington Avenue, the Twin Cities' newest foodie hot spot
The Star Tribune's Tom Horgen told MPR's Tom Crann about one of his favorite food corridors downtown Minneapolis, suddenly busy with new restaurants and bars: North Washington Avenue.
Appetites: 5 things you should know about the James Beard Awards
Rachel Hutton, senior editor of Minnesota Monthly magazine, told MPR's Tom Crann five things you should know about the James Beards Awards -- including the chances of a local nominee winning.