Today's Question Blog

Bernie Sanders' recent comment joking that Republican debates show a need to invest in mental health has spurred comments that the presidential hopeful isn't sensitive to people with mental illnesses.
Should PolyMet build its proposed copper-nickel mine?
The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources on Thursday said a 3,000-plus page final environmental impact statement for the project is "adequate," so PolyMet can now start applying for permits to build the mine.
Federal officials have said they're only asking for narrow assistance in bypassing some security features on the iPhone, which they believe may contain information related to the mass murders. Apple has argued that doing so would make other iPhones more susceptible to hacking by authorities or criminals in the future.
President Obama says he plans to pick a Supreme Court nominee following the death of Justice Antonin Scalia, setting up a confrontation with Republicans who control the Senate.
“For far too long, we have forced tens of thousands of hard-working parents to make an impossible choice: to spend time with their newborn or recently adopted child, or earn the money they need to care for their families,” Dayton said.