What would make you pass a note to the pilot?

Sandy Holberson and her family are traveling to her son's graduation from basic training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas. She says she's a little nervous about flying after the detention of the Muslim clerics earlier this week. She says activity similar to that of the imams could possibly lead her to contact the flight crew.

"The chanting, that would kind of make me nervous... people speaking non-English and maybe communicating with one another that way," she says.

I'm not trained to look for that kind of stuff.

Miles Harlow is headed home to Northampton, Mass., for Thanksgiving. He's a student at Macalester College. He says he's never reported suspicious activity and believes that security personnel are doing their jobs well.

"I suppose if I saw some people acting differently, I'd keep a closer eye, but I never had in the past. I don't think I'm on the look-out for it. I feel pretty safe traveling," he said.

Lois Sauder of Breckinridge, Minn., is traveling to Dallas for Thanksgiving. She says she's not a frequent flyer, but she is a people-watcher.

"I think I would notice if something was going on," she says.

Heather Stacy will be vacationing in Cancun over the holiday. She says she travels frequently, but has never seen any activity that she felt was suspicious. But she says her husband did once.

"He was a little bit leery. He just kept his eye on the people for a while, but we didn't report it," she says.

Scott Hawkins travels about twice a month. He's heading home to Dayton, Ohio, today. He says he's never seen or reported any activity he considers suspicious.

"I'm not sure what I would consider suspicious. I'm not trained to look for that kind of stuff," he says.