The Dynamic Duo of Dark Visions

"Stanley" by Dave McKean
"Stanley" by Dave McKean
Image courtesy Dave McKean

Writer Neil Gaiman and artist Dave McKean are one of the hottest teams in the comic book world.

Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean
Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean have worked together for 20 years. They say they only recently discovered they were incompatible when they made a film together. Luckily they live on eithert side of the Atlantic and so that doesn't matter so much.
MPR Photo/Euan Kerr

McKean combines painting, drawing, photography, and collage to create disturbing off-kilter images which compliment Gaiman's brand of fantasy fiction.

In a collaboration that's lasted 20 years so far, they have worked on the award-winning Sandman comic book series, several graphic novels, and four children's books. They have also made a film, "Mirrormask," which Gaiman wrote and McKean designed and directed.

Both men are English, but Gaiman lives in the US and McKean in Britain. Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr asked each of them what he found most intriguing about the other when they first met 20 years ago.