How much money is enough money for schools?

MPR Photo/Tom Robertson

Minnesota lawmakers are back home for the Passover/Easter break.

With the Capitol empty, the governor is out with a new radio ad, critical of the Senate's move to hike the income tax on the wealthiest Minnesotans to help fund education. Gov. Pawlenty has threatened to veto this bill when it hits his desk.

Gov. Tim Pawlenty
Gov. Tim Pawlenty
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

Education makes up one of the biggest chunks of the state budget, and during a recent speech, Gov. Pawlenty talked about education spending before the Association of Minnesota Counties, the Minnesota School Boards Association and the League of Minnesota Cities. He specifically singled out the relationship between Education Minnesota, the biggest teachers' union in the state, and the past four governors that preceeded him.

He also said that there has never not been a school funding crisis in the state, and that signals a problem.

Judy Schaubach
Judy Schaubach, president of Education Minnesota, says the new Q Comp system doesn't work for every school district.
MPR Photo/Tim Pugmire

MPR's Cathy Wurzer asked Judy Shaubach, president of Education Minnesota, to respond to the Governor's remarks.