Next stop for young violinist: Carnegie Hall

Ariana Kim
Ariana Kim plays Bartok's Sonata for Solo Violin in Minnesota Public Radio's Maud Moon Weyerhaeuser studio. She performs the work at Carnegie Hall this weekend.
MPR Photo/Karl Gehrke

Ariana Kim is poised at the portal of an incredible career that includes teaching, solo recitals, chamber music and orchestral playing.

As the newly appointed concertmaster of the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra and member of the Manhattan-based contemporary music ensemble, Ne(x)tworks, she splits her time between New Orleans and New York City.

With an impeccable technique that is both fluid and dramatic, she is prepared to make her Carnegie Hall debut this weekend at Weill Recital Hall. She's performing music from her Carnegie program Thursday night at Augustana Lutheran Church in West St. Paul.

Ariana Kim and her accompanist, pianist Ieva Jokubaviciute, stopped by Minnesota Public Radio's Maud Moon Weyerhaeuser studio and played some excerpts from the Mozart, Schumann and Bartok works they'll be taking to Carnegie.

Kim spoke with classical music host Steve Staruch about her career and the music she loves.