ICE arrests 23 immigrant workers near Fargo

Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials Tuesday arrested 23 illegal immigrants working at an ethanol plant near Fargo.

U.S. Attorney Drew Wrigley said the workers are all from India, and all were using false documents.

Wrigley said all 23 workers entered the United States legally on a temporary workers visa and were issued a temporary social security card.

"What happened then, we allege, is that they subsequently got counterfeit social security cards which look the same, have the same number which is legitimate for them but now doesn't have the limiting information on it. That opens a whole variety of opportunities for them, for employment and then to overstay that visa," Wrigley said.

Wrigley said the investigation started when Wanzek Construction Company of Fargo told federal officials they were suspicious about the legal status of some workers.

The workers were all called to a meeting at the ethanol plant and arrested by immigration and customs enforcement officials.