Rob Nelson and the B List

Rob Nelson
Minneapolis-based critic Rob Nelson contributed one of more than 50 essays on the best B-movies in a new collection from the National Society of Film Critics
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

One of the side effects of the video and DVD revolution is people are able to easily watch films of yesteryear. The National Society of Film Critics is trying to help you find the good ones with a series of books of new reviews of older films.

Minneapolis-based critic Rob Nelson, writes for Variety, Film Comment, and IndieWire amongst other publications.

He contributed to the collection which is called "The B List: The National Society of Film Critics on Low Budget Beauties, Genre-Bending Mavericks and cult classics we love." The book presents essays on 58 movies you may have missed.

Nelson told Minnesota Public Radio's Euan Kerr the book focuses on films which are both low budget and slightly disreputable.