Petters' lawyers want trial moved outside Minnesota

Tom Petters
Tom Petters booking mug shot from the Sherburne County Jail.
Photo courtesy of Sherburne County Sheriff

Attorneys for businessman Tom Petters want his upcoming trial moved outside of Minnesota. They say Petters can't receive a fair trial in the state.

Tom Petters is charged with conspiracy, fraud and money laundering in what authorities describe as a $3.5 billion Ponzi scheme. Petters maintains his innocence and is due to go on trial in June.

But, his attorneys argue Petters has already been tried and convicted in the Twin Cities news media. The lawyers says the pervasive public portrayal of Petters is of a man pictured in an orange jail uniform whose conviction is assured.

Petters' attorneys contend it would be hard to find jurors who've not been influenced by the intense coverage of the case. They say Petters' trial should be moved outside the state to assure he gets a fair trial.

The attorneys are suggesting southern Iowa or eastern Wisconsin could be appropriate locations. Martin Moylan, Minnesota Public Radio News.