Midmorning Weekend

Spoonbridge and Cherry
The Spoonbridge and Cherry sculpture in the Minneapolis Sculpture Garden. An example of green space in what Richard Florida predicts will become a megacity.
MPR Photo/Steve Mullis

Segment 1: How the financial crisis will change cities

Economist and author Richard Florida says the economic crisis will force Midwestern cities to work harder to pull high paying jobs away from the regions known for their research universities. He says the crisis will radically change where people decide to live in the future.

(Original Program)

Segment 2: Dawkins seeks more converts to atheism

Richard Dawkins says atheists should be just as forthright in their views as those who believe God is real. The prominent atheist talks about why he wants to convert more to his way of thinking.

(Original Program)

Segment 3: Activist shines light on urban pollution problem

An environmental justice advocate and MacArthur fellow from the South Bronx confronts "environmental racism." Majora Carter works on bringing green space to her neighborhood.

(Original Program)