Franken's recount effort raises nearly $6 million

Democratic Senate candidate Al Franken has raised nearly $6 million since last November's election to pay for his recount effort, compared to $3.6 million raised by Republican opponent Norm Coleman, according to Federal Election Commission reports filed today.

Franken took in more than $3.5 million during the first three months of 2009, and more than $2.3 million between Nov. 4 and the end of of last year.

The money came directly to the Franken campaign and to two recount funds, one of which is being operated by the Minnesota DFL party. Franken's recount effort had nearly $1 million on hand at the end of March.

Coleman's campaign raised a total of $3.6 million for the recount and trial, $2.3 million of which was raised in the first quarter of the year. Coleman's campaign had about $470,000 cash on hand at the time the report was filed.

This week a three judge panel hearing Coleman's challenge to the election ruled that Franken received the most votes. Coleman says he will appeal that decision to the Minnesota Supreme Court next week.