Democrats: Palin's visit a sign Bachmann is in trouble

During a rally at the State Capitol rotunda attended by several hundred union members, Democrats said former Alaska governor Sarah Palin's visit to Minnesota is a sign they are doing well in their bid to unseat Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann in Minnesota's 6th District.
MPR Photo/Tom Scheck

As thousands of people streamed in to the Minneapolis Convention Center to see Sarah Palin, Minnesota Democrats put their own spin on her visit.

During a rally at the State Capitol rotunda attended by several hundred union members, Rep. Keith Ellison told fellow DFLers that the former Alaska governor's visit is a sign that Democrats are doing well in their bid to unseat Republican Rep. Michele Bachmann in Minnesota's 6th District.

Bachmann had asked Palin to speak at the event, and Ellison said Democrats should be flattered Palin agreed to come.

"If the congresswoman from the 6th District wasn't scared to death of Sen. Tarryl Clark, she wouldn't bring Palin here at all," Ellison said, referring to the candidate the Minnesota DFL Party has endorsed to run against Bachmann. "It is a sign of our strength and our power that they have to bring that person here."

Although Clark received the DFL endorsement, she still faces a primary challenge from fellow Democrat Maureen Reed. The winner of that primary will face Bachmann this fall.

Democrats also protested outside the Palin event in Minneapolis.