On Campus Blog

Recruitment of the MnSCU chief begins

We finally have a look at the 16 people who will help the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities system find the replacement for Chancellor James H. McCormick, who is retiring next year after a decade in the position.

The people announced today are:

  • Travis Johnson, president of the Minnesota State College Student Association;

  • Andrew Spaeth, state chair of the Minnesota State University Student Association;

  • Don Larsson, president of the Inter Faculty Organization, which represents faculty at the system’s seven state universities;

  • Greg Mulcahy, president of the Minnesota State College Faculty, which represents faculty at the system’s 25 community and technical colleges;

  • Shahzad Ahmad, past president of the Minnesota State University Association of Administrative and Service Faculty, which represents administrative and service faculty;

  • Clarence Hightower, trustee and vice chair of the board and chair of the board’s Human Resources Committee;

  • Christine Rice, trustee and chair of the board’s Academic and Student Affairs Committee;

  • Kevin Kopischke, president of Alexandria Technical and Community College;

  • Edna Mora Szymanski, president of Minnesota State University Moorhead;

  • Carlos Mariani, DFL-St. Paul, state representative and chair of the House K-12 Education Policy and Oversight Committee;

  • Claire Robling, R-Jordan, state senator and ranking minority member of the Senate Higher Education Committee;

  • Sharon Sayles Belton, vice president, community relations and government affairs for Thomson Reuters and former mayor of Minneapolis;

  • Yvonne Cheung Ho, president and CEO of the Metropolitan Economic Development Association;

  • Mark Chronister, board chair, St. Catherine University and board chair of the Minneapolis Foundation; and

  • Paula Prahl, senior vice president of communications, public affairs and corporate responsibility, Best Buy Co., Inc.

Leading the committee is David Olson, a former trustee and former chairman of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities.

Trustees also started talking today about the characteristics it's looking for in the next chancellor.