U of M decides to show controversial Mississippi River film

Troubled Waters
The "Troubled Waters" documentary will be shown after all by the University of Minnesota, after concerns were raised earlier about its content.
Image courtesy of the U of M

A week after University of Minnesota officials expressed concern about a documentary on the Mississippi River, the school says the film will be shown as planned.

The U of M will show the documentary "Troubled Waters" on Oct. 3, and will follow up the film with an open forum discussion.

The film documents how runoff from agricultural fields, and cities as well, contributes to pollution in the Gulf of Mexico. It also highlights how some farmers are working to prevent pollution.

Last week, U of M officials said they would hold off on showing the film and that a panel would further review the film for accuracy and balance.

Al Levine, dean of the college of food, agricultural and natural resource sciences, told MPR last week that the film "vilified" agriculture.

U of M officials now says that professor Susan Weller, the director of the Bell Museum of Natural History, has seen documents that show the film underwent a review process. Weller concluded there is no need for additional review.

The film was made with $500,000 in state lottery proceeds and foundation grants.

The Oct. 3 screening will be held at the Bell Museum on the U of M's Minneapolis campus.

(The Associated Press contributed to this report)