On Campus Blog

Hundreds of MnSCU students protest the cost of tuition


About 400 students rallied at the state capitol today to protest the high cost of tuition.  They want Minnesota lawmakers to put a cap on tuition, while keeping funding for Minnesota's higher education system strong.

Geoff Dittberner with the Minnesota State College Student Association said students want to work with lawmakers and the state's colleges to slow tuition increases and protect the quality of higher education.

" We're coming to the table and we're willing to work together," Dittberner said. "Students are definitely willing to be a part of the solution, but students aren't willing to be the budget solution."

State Sen. John Carlson told the crowd about his effort to freeze tuition at MnSCU and the University of Minnesota.  Carlson has introduced a measure that would hold tuition at current levels in the state's public colleges for two years.  After that tuition increases would be tied to the level of inflation.

Carlson's bill gets its first hearing in a senate committee this afternoon at the capitol

By the way, the students at today's rally were wearing red caps with the word "tuition" printed on them.  Get it?  A tuition cap.