The Cube Critics go green

Cube Critics
MPR's Cube Critics Euan Kerr, left, and Stephanie Curtis watch a film clip on a computer screen in the MPR newsroom.
MPR Photo/Chris Roberts

Stephanie Curtis the Movie Maven and arts reporter Euan Kerr are film freaks who sit across the cubicle at Minnesota Public Radio News. They chat a lot about movies but they don't always agree, and today's edition of Cube Critics is a case in point.

This week, Euan and Stephanie ponder whether people really realize (or care,) that "The Green Hornet" and "The Green Lantern" (which opens this week,) are different films. Then they argue about "Beginners," the new movie starring Ewan McGregor. That morphs into a discussion of the music in the Philip Seymour Hoffman-directed "Jack Goes Boating" which is spurring Stephanie to the music store for some Fleet Foxes.

They then move on to "The Defenders" a new feature beginning tonight at the Trylon in Minneapolis where local film folk present a film they secretly love and then argue why it's significant. The twist is the audience doesn't know what they're going to see till the lights go down.