Pawlenty to shift from TV to turnout in Iowa

Tim Pawlenty
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty answers a question during the first New Hampshire Republican presidential debate at St. Anselm College in Manchester, N.H., Monday, June 13, 2011.

Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty plans to fade from Iowa's paid airwaves just days from the critical GOP straw poll.

Campaign spokesman Alex Conant said Thursday that Pawlenty's sustained TV ad presence ends Wednesday, three days before the Iowa Republican Party Straw Poll in Ames, the first time voters express their preferences. The campaign long ago locked in commercial time slots through next Friday, but decided to scale back.

Instead, Conant said money will be spent on phone banks, direct mail and other tools designed to boost Pawlenty's popularity for the straw poll.

One GOP rival, fellow Minnesotan Michele Bachmann, plans to keep her ads up throughout next week, spokeswoman Alice Stewart said. The third candidate with a commercial presence is Texas Rep. Ron Paul; an official with his campaign said ad plans are still being finalized.

Conant denied his candidate's move signaled a campaign on the financial brink. Pawlenty started July with $1.4 million for his primary campaign, according to his Federal Election Commission report. Instead, Conant described it as a previously planned shift to make sure Republican voters committed to the former Minnesota governor actually show up.

"We are moving from recruitment mode to turnout mode and that requires more direct voter contact," Conant said.

He declined to elaborate on the expected volume of campaign calls or mail pieces, saying he didn't want to tip other campaigns off to detailed strategy.

Pawlenty settles in this Friday for a solid stretch of Iowa campaigning -- eight days, 26 cities and more than 1,300 miles on a swing that ends in Ames. The former Minnesota governor spent half of July in Iowa, where he has invested heavily since first scoping out a 2012 bid.

Pawlenty, Rep. Bachmann and Paul have the most visible Iowa campaigns ahead of the straw poll. Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum is practically living in Iowa, but running his campaign on a shoestring budget. Businessman Herman Cain and Michigan Rep. Thad McCotter will also appear on the ballot -- as will former Govs. Mitt Romney of Massachusetts and Jon Huntsman of Utah, neither of whom has made much of an Iowa effort this year.

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