Ex-owner of huge dog kennel barred from business

The former owner of a large Minnesota commercial dog kennel has been permanently barred from selling dogs to other businesses because of continuing cruelty complaints.

The Forum of Fargo, N.D., reports Kathy Bauck has been barred from future commercial production or resale of dogs to shops or sellers. U.S. Department of Agriculture documents show her license had been previously suspended for two years.

Her business, Pick of the Litter kennel in New York Mills, was once one of the nation's USDA-licensed largest dog breeders. The agency says it sold between 3,000 and 4,000 animals a year at one point.

Bauck's attorney, Zenas Baer, calls the license revocation a voluntary surrender.

Bauck and her husband were fined $5,000, according to the USDA agreement dated Sept. 14.

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