Minnesotans respond to food shelf theft

A food shelf in north Minneapolis will hold its Christmas Eve giveaway, despite the theft of 1500 pounds of food on Friday. Police say a volunteer who was supposed to transport the food from outside the city to the food shelf drove away with it instead.

The theft is a real disappointment to Jeff Nehrbass, pastor of Gethsemane Lutheran Church, which helps run the Camden Promise Food Shelf in Minneapolis.

"It's heartbreaking that folks who had signed up to help would simply just take," he said.

Bu, when word got out, Minnesotans responded with food and offers to help. People and businesses flooded the food shelf Tuesday with donations, Nehrbass said. Second Harvest Heartland said it will send more than 2,000 pounds of food, and Cub Foods will supply an additional 200 hams. Nehrbass said they'll have more food than before the theft. Police say the stolen food was worth about $300.

Nehrbass said the food shelf will be ready for the annual giveaway, and they will have extra to help the needy in the New Year.

"Not only will all the food be replaced but we'll have more food than when we started. Just an amazing blessing."

Police have a suspect in the case, but no arrests have been made.