Senate prepares to defend against lawsuit from fired staffer

Republican response
Michael Brodkorb, a recently fired Senate GOP staffer, has assembled a legal team that is considering a possible wrongful termination claim.
MPR Photo/Jeffrey Thompson

Democrats in the Minnesota Senate are pressing Republican leaders for more information about their preparations for a potential lawsuit alleging wrongful termination.

A recently fired Senate GOP staffer, Michael Brodkorb, has assembled a legal team that is considering a possible wrongful termination claim.

The secretary of the Senate has also hired an outside attorney. During Thursday's floor session, Sen. Dick Cohen, DFL-St. Paul, said all 67 Senators are now that attorney's clients, and they're owed a complete explanation.

"If the Senate majority caucus retains counsel, I have nothing to say about that. And there's no need to disclose anything to me if the Senate majority caucus is doing something of that sort," Cohen said. "But where the Senate is doing it as the entire body, then I have as much right as anybody else on this floor to a disclosure of what's going on."

Senate GOP Majority Leader Dave Senjem said his intent is to be transparent. Senjem said a meeting was being planned next week with DFL leaders to discuss the matter.