Gov. Dayton on the Vikings stadium, budget

2012 Legislature opens
Minnesota Gov. Mark Dayton answers questions from the media about a new Vikings stadium Tuesday, Jan. 24, 2012 at the State Capitol.
MPR Photo/Jennifer Simonson

This year's Minnesota legislative session has been relatively quiet compared to last year but Gov. Mark Dayton still has some contentious issues before him, including the gun bill and the looming battle over the Vikings stadium. There also appears to be some lingering ill will between the governor and GOP leaders over last year's government shutdown.

Dayton got some good news last week with the announcement of a $323 million budget surplus, but he and state GOP leaders remain at odds over how to create jobs. And how much political capital is he risking with his effort to get a new stadium built for the Vikings?

Dayton joins The Daily Circuit Monday to talk with Kerri Miller.