On Campus Blog

Should beer sales be part of college sporting events?

MPR News readers have come up with some interesting angles on the legislation that could bring the sale of alcohol to TCF Bank Stadium.

They're in answer to MPR's Question of the Day:

Should beer sales be part of college sporting events?

Gary F says the new rules could create a bottleneck:

I work the concession stands at TCF bank stadium for a non-profit. There are no modern cash registers and credit card sales done manually. If you add beer to those stations, the lines will really get long.

Reggie wonders whether the U is right in making an exception for football games:

Can you buy a glass of wine during intermission at Northrop or the Ted Mann Concert Hall? How is selling beer at the new {corporate name} football stadium any different? Personally, I'd prefer the U not sell alcohol on campus, but one way or the other, I'd expect a consistent policy in all venues.

And Ann echoes several people when she writes:

Maybe the university and Legislature should be discussing how else they can improve the teams and the school.

Feel free to chime in here.