Following our garbage

'Garbology' by Edward Humes
'Garbology' by Edward Humes
Book cover courtesy of publisher

In "Garbology," Edward Humes follows trash once you throw it away. The average American will likely produce 102 tons of garbage in their lifetime and it's America's biggest export. Humes' book shows us that when you throw out your garbage, it doesn't disappear.

The book looks at what is in our garbage, how much it costs us and some ways we can reduce its impact on Earth.

Humes will join The Daily Circuit Friday to talk about his book.


According to Humes' book, Americans every year throw into landfills:

-- 5.7 million tons of carpet (Humes adds all of it could be recycled, but mostly is not)

--19 billion pounds of Styrofoam packaging peanuts (never degrades)

-- 35 billion plastic bottles

-- 40 billion plastic knives, forks and spoons

-- 4.5 million tons of office paper

-- "Enough steel to level and restore Manhattan"

-- No less than 28 billion pounds of food, about 25 percent of the American food supply

How do you cut your trash? Share your ideas on The Daily Circuit blog.