Charles Wheelan on what commencement speakers never say

'10 1/2 Things No Commencement Speaker Has Ever..'
Book cover courtesy of publisher

Charles Wheelan's unique commencement speech to Dartmouth College class of 2011 is now a book, "10 ½ Things No Commencement Speaker Has Ever Said."

More from The Boston Globe:

In "10½ Things No Commencement Speaker Has Ever Said,'' Charles Wheelan, a senior lecturer in public policy at the University of Chicago, makes a modest attempt to move beyond the conventional, the saccharine, and the goofy with advice rooted in the realities that college graduates actually face. Based on a talk he gave at Dartmouth, his alma mater, in 2011, his little book is likely to be a primary source for many a commencement speaker for some time to come.

Just in time for graduation season, we once again get to discuss the merits of Wheelan's whimsical and thoughtful advice. He'll join The Daily Circuit Monday to talk about the art of commencement speech writing.

ALSO THIS HOUR: Voices from the class of 2011

VIDEO: Wheelan on Chicago Tonight