Boehner adds to criticism of Bachmann's remarks

John Boehner
House Speaker John Boehner, seen in a July 2011 file photo, joined other Republicans who denounced claims by Rep. Michele Bachmann that a senior State Department aide has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.
Getty Images/Chip Somodevilla

WASHINGTON -- House Speaker John Boehner joined a growing chorus of Republicans denouncing claims by U.S. Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., that a senior State Department aide has ties to the Muslim Brotherhood.

Boehner's remarks come a day after Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., took to the Senate floor to denounce a series of letters Bachmann and four other Republican House members sent to various agencies about the Muslim Brotherhood.

Those letters raised concerns about the administration's policies and State Department Deputy Chief of Staff Huma Abedin's ties to the group.

One letter said Abedin's late father, mother and brother were connected to Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood operations. Bachmann asked in a separate letter how Abedin received security clearance.

Boehner said that unlike McCain he did not personally know Abedin, who is Muslim. But Boehner said, "From everything I do know of her, she has a sterling character, and I think accusations like this being thrown around are pretty dangerous."

Other Republicans who have also criticized Bachmann include South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, Massachusetts Sen. Scott Brown and Bachmann's former presidential campaign manager Ed Rollins.

The Associated Press contributed to this report.