A look at Obama's energy record

Barack Obama
President Barack Obama attends a campaign event at the Nelson Pioneer Farm & Museum, Tuesday, Aug. 14, 2012, in Oskaloosa, Iowa, during a three-day campaign bus tour through Iowa.
AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

In his reelection campaign, President Obama has been touting his record and criticizing GOP challenger Mitt Romney for his dismissive attitudes toward alternative energy. Romney has slammed Obama for regulations he says stifle coal production and promised energy independence for North America by the end of his second term.

In a series of two shows, we first take a look at Obama's energy policy record. We'll look at Romney's energy proposals next Wednesday. What has Obama done, and how does that stack up to what he said he would do?

Lance Brown, executive director of the Partnership for Affordable Clean Energy, will join The Daily Circuit Thursday.

"If President Obama took an exam on America's current energy policies, he would get at least one answer wrong," Brown wrote for the National Journal. "Although the administration has touted the President's 'all of the above' approach to energy independence, the facts do no support such a strategy. The evidence shows that their plan has instead been to promote renewable sources of energy, such as solar and wind power, while at the same time restricting the domestic production of fossil fuels."

Ken Silverstein, editor-in-chief of EnergyBiz Insider, will also join the discussion.

"In its most elementary form, the president's proposals would eliminate specific tax breaks given to oil, gas and coal to the tune of about $41 billion over 10 years," he wrote. "Some of that money would be shifted over to help out renewable energy, including making permanent the production tax credit for wind that will expire in December."

VIDEO: President Obama speaks on American energy

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