UN condemns Somali bombing at Mogadishu cafe

The U.N. Security Council has condemned "in the strongest terms" a suicide bombing that killed 14 people at a Mogadishu cafe frequented by politicians and journalists.

The attack, likely carried out Thursday by the militant group al-Shabab, followed Sunday's inauguration of President Hassan Skeikh Mohamud.

"The members of the Council underline their resolve to support Somalia in its efforts for peace and reconciliation," the council said Friday in a statement, adding that the attack by opponents of peace was "deplorable."

African Union forces pushed al-Qaida affiliated Al-Shabab out of Mogadishu in August 2011, but militants have continued to carry out suicide attacks in the capital.

Earlier this week, the Security Council endorsed Mohamud's election, signaling the end of an 8-year-long U.N.-backed transition which helped establish a parliament and provisional constitution.