Norm Coleman: Fraud undermines the integrity of elections

Norm Coleman
Former U.S. Sen. Norm Coleman (R-MN) speaks during a rally for Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney February 1, 2012 in Eagan, Minnesota.
Stephen Maturen/Getty Images

Former Minnesota Senator Norm Coleman penned an editorial expressing his support for the amendment that would require Minnesotans to present photo identification before casting a ballot. Coleman wrote:

Is there voter fraud in Minnesota? Yes. Is it rampant and out of control? Not yet.

Can the level of fraud, no matter how small, affect the outcome of elections in our state and elsewhere in the nation? Absolutely.

The function of requiring a photo ID isn't intended to block anyone's right to vote. It's to continue to ensure the integrity of the electoral process. Ultimately, it's the right of every voter who casts a legitimate vote to never have it canceled out by those who -- no matter how many or how few -- cast an illegitimate vote.

Question to debate: Does one illegitimate vote undermine an election?

For complete coverage of the voter ID issue visit our Campaign 2012 page.