Nonprofits sending libraries to Africa

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) -- St. Paul-based Books For Africa is teaming up with another nonprofit to send more than 2,500 Little Free Libraries to Africa over the next several years.

Little Free Libraries, based in Hudson, Wis., will design and build the book boxes. Thousands are already located in neighborhoods throughout the U.S., and the movement has spread to 36 countries around the world. Books For Africa will supply the books.

A distributor has already been established in Ghana. Other Little Free Libraries will be distributed across Ghana, Nigeria and the rest of Africa using the network established by Books For Africa.

The two groups are asking groups, businesses, schools and individuals to help sponsor the effort. Each $1,000 covers the costs to build and ship one library and $1,000 worth of books.

Information on the project can be found at Little Free Library and Books for Africa.