Mayo's request for state money meets with some skepticism

The Mayo Clinic announced a plan this week to spend $3.5 billion in capital investments at its Rochester campus over the next 20 years. It is also asking for money from the state.

CEO John Noseworthy pressed state lawmakers to commit more than $500 million toward the ambitious development. "Mayo Clinic needs to decide where it's going to make its investment. Other states would like us to make them in those other states. We have to decide where we're going to put this $3 billion, where we're going to invest, and we're looking for a partner to help us do that," he said.

Yesterday, The Daily Circuit spoke with two Rochester legislators who support of state funds for the project. Today we'll hear from two skeptics: State Rep. Ryan Winkler (DFL-Golden Valley), who's taken to Twitter to voice his concerns, and Phil Krinkie, president of the Taxpayers League of Minnesota.