For him, the right response to Sandy Hook was a song

Adam Wernick
Adam Wernick: It is crucial to keep the memory of the victims and their families at the forefront of the public's mind.
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

By Adam Wernick

Adam Wernick, St. Paul, is a composer who writes music for theater productions.

I wrote and recorded this song for two reasons: First, as a personal expression of grief and sympathy for the children and families of Newtown, Conn. Secondly, I fear that once the issue gets caught up in the ugly political and lobbying machinery, the country will too quickly forget what the discussion is really about.

I believe it is crucial to keep the memory of the victims and their families at the forefront of the public's mind while we are engaged in this discussion about gun violence and deaths. If the discussion is conducted from a perspective of compassion and empathy, perhaps we will more readily reach a consensus about what steps need to be taken to protect the public.

My hope is that a song written from the perspective of a parent who has lost a child can be a powerful reminder of the very personal nature of the Sandy Hook tragedy and the many others that preceded it. Music and lyrics can lodge in one's heart and soul in a more lasting way, perhaps even a more transformative way, than the spoken or the written word.