On Campus Blog

Notes in the Margins: Alt-ac, 911 and blended courses

Calling 911 Shouldn’t Lead to Jail Research suggests that, among those who witness an overdose, the most common reason people don’t call for help is the fear of being arrested. (The New York Times)

Why famous dropouts aren't the best advocates for staying in school Mark Wahlberg, the wildly successful actor and musician and producer and actor, appeared at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria to encourage kids to stay in school and get their degree. He dropped out in ninth grade, and now, at 41, he is working through an online credit recovery program to get that diploma. (The Washington Post)

Alt-ac Will Not Save Us For the past two years I have been happier than I ever was as an adjunct, and I have become what I call an altac advocate. I believe that society needs more PhDs outside of the classroom and that the skills we develop are not just useful but needed in other areas. But I worry that talk about reforming graduate education reform by including alt-ac career tracks -- or suggesting that people in graduate school consider alt-ac careers -- will make it seem like The Alt-Ac Track is going to fix everything that is wrong in higher education. (The Altac Chronicles)

How One College Is Closing The Computer Science Gender Gap There are still relatively few women in tech. Maria Klawe wants to change that. (NPR via MPR)

Colleges Adapt Online Courses to Ease Burden Universities begin blending open online courses, created to deliver elite college instruction to anyone with an Internet connection, to their offerings.


 (The New York Times)