U of M set to enact smoking ban for Twin Cities campus

Since 2006, more than a thousand colleges and universities have adopted smoke-free campuses. Now, the University of Minnesota in the Twin Cities is close to enacting a smoking ban, according to a Star Tribune report.

"A tobacco-free campus has become an expectation ... rather than an innovation," President Eric Kaler was quoted as saying after the University Senate voted in favor of a smoking ban. "It's about time for us."

The policy, encompassing a large urban campus, might be difficult to enforce. Freshman John Lundquist doesn't support a smoke-free policy, according to an article in the Minnesota Daily.

"Enforcing [a smoke-free campus] is a big logistical issue," he told the paper.

The Star Tribune report noted that Kaler intends to enact the ban, and that it may take effect in fall 2014.

Ferd Schlapper, director of the U's Boynton Health Services, joins The Daily Circuit to talk about a smoking ban.