Minnesota Orchestra cancels rest of season

Osmo Vanska
Osmo Vanska rehearsing with the Minnesota Orchestra.
MPR photo/Euan Kerr

Minnesota Orchestra management said today that it had cancelled all remaining concerts of the 2012-2013 season, citing musicians refusal to negotiate while a lockout continues.

The cancellation of the final two weeks of the orchestra's winter season was not unexpected. However, it is a milestone in the long-running dispute.

In making the announcement, management also announced a proposed three-week summer season for July, and also proposed three possible dates for negotiation at the end of May.

A representative of the musicians union called the season cancellation "a devastating loss." In late April they said there could be no negotiations while they were still locked out. However the musicians did not immediately reject the new proposed dates for talks, saying they will gather more information before deciding.

The lockout began Oct. 1.