Duluth council to vote on synthetics ordinances

Last Place on Earth
The sidewalk outside The Last Place on Earth is packed with people hanging around Tuesday, October 9, 2012 in Duluth, Minn.
Derek Montgomery for MPR

The Duluth City Council will vote tonight on new ordinances aimed at regulating the synthetic drug industry in the city.

The ordinances are part of Duluth's effort to use "all the tools in our toolbox" to fight synthetic drugs, which are blamed for a downtown population of ravaged users who congregate on the sidewalks outside a head shop called the Last Place on Earth.

The measures follow House Speaker Paul Thissen's creation of a legislative committee to address the issue and Attorney General Lori Swanson's visit last week for a hearing on synthetic drugs.

Co-host Tom Weber speaks with Sharla Gardner, a member of the Duluth City Council and co-sponsor of the proposed ordinances.