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Chilly relapse today, snow moves in late PM thru tonight

Image: University of Illinois

It's baaaack!

Our one day thaw is history, and Minnesota's sub-average winter cold is back. Sub-zero temps have already invaded northern Minnesota again, and temps in the teens have made it as far south as the Twin Cities. Deep blue is the favored color on the temperature map, ans another batch of cold air oozes south from Canada today.

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Image: University of Illinois

This time it comes with another fresh coating of snow. An upper air disturbance riding over the cold dome is sparking some light snow. The snow increases from west to east today across Minnesota. It should begin to reach the Twin Cities metro by late afternoon, with most of the snow falling this evening into the wee hours of Friday morning.

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Image: Twin Cities NWS

Here's a look at expected snowfall totals tonight...mostly in the 1" to 2" range with a few 3" totals favoring areas north of the metro toward St. Cloud and Mille Lacs.

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Image: Twin Cities NWS

In the news business we call it a whip around. Give me a quick look at conditions around the region. Here's the map for the Red River Valley.

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Image: Grand Forks NWS

For Duluth and Northeast Minnesota.

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Image: Duluth NWS

For La Crosse and southern Minnesota?

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Image: La Crosse NWS

NOAA's NAM model tries to put a little finer point on the snow band, with a general 1" to 3" with heaviest totals favoring the north metro to St. Cloud.

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Image: wxcaster.com

Bottom Line on snowfall today and tonight:

Expect snow to break out in western Minnesota during the morning and spread east toward the Twin Cities by late afternoon. The start of the PM rush should be fine, but snow may begin during the latter part of the PM rush in the metro. Most of the snow will come down this evening and tonight. Snowfall totals of 1" to 2"+ are likely for the metro. The highest totals up to 3" seem to favor the north metro to St. Cloud.