International Falls mayor likens rising waters to a 500-year-flood

Communities in northern and southwestern Minnesota are coping with flooding from consecutive days of heavy rain.

Torrential weekend storms over the Rainy River basin are causing record-setting floods along Minnesota's border with Canada. International Falls Mayor Bob Anderson likens it to a 500-year-flood.

"The Little Fork River, the Big Fork River, and Black River are all dumping in, and it's causing the river to back up into International Falls," he said on The Daily Circuit. "I've lived on the river for 25 years, and I've never seen it this high. I've got about eight-and-a-half feet of water in my backyard."

Anderson said a paper mill in his town has let in 20 inches of water onto the floor of its hydro building, and may have to shut down.

Anderson was joined Tuesday morning by Gov. Mark Dayton, who is touring the area to assess flood damage and meet with local officials.

State officials say they're continuing to work with communities across Minnesota to help them track damages and get them the assistance they need.