On Campus Blog

U complaint reportedly tied to future of track

The University of Minnesota's student paper, the Minnesota Daily, writes that the federal gender-discrimination complaint filed against the U -- announced on Friday -- "alleges that the University fails to provide women with the same opportunities as men in areas including equipment and supplies, scheduling, facilities and athletic scholarships."

The paper, which apparently obtained a copy of a letter by the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights, writes it's also connected to an attempt to “prevent the destruction of the current outdoor track or force the construction of a new track — before the 2016 outdoor season.”


A football building included in the athletics department’s $190 million facilities plan is slated to displace the school’s outdoor track, home to 136 student-athletes, 87 of which are women, as listed on the team’s official roster.

You can read more about that in this online petition to save the facility.

You can read the Daily's story about the complaint here.