Updraft® - Minnesota Weather News

Temperature roller coaster rides upward this weekend

Enjoy the brisk March air. It is as fleeting as it is refreshing.

Our weather appears ready to lead the calendar as we turn the page to April this year. Spring is in the air again by this weekend. A strange bright object returns to the sky the next few days. Not a moment too soon for seasonally challenged Minnesotans. Is it just me, or are the chilly March breeze and gray skies making the natives a little restless lately?

The coming warm-up and sunshine are welcome signs to most.

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Life on the backside

Of a high pressure cell that is. That's where the meteorological living is easy for Midwest natives. Southerly breezes return this weekend as high pressure pulls away to the east. Milder air from the Central Plains flows mercifully north. Low pressure gathers showers to the west by a breezy Saturday evening.

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The incoming air mass sends March out like a baby lamb as temperatures run a good 10 degrees warmer than average in the Midwest by Tuesday. The blob of warmer than average air covers most of the United States next week.

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Climate Reanalyzer

Living in Minnesota's is like a constant ride on the weather Midway. Our temperature roller coaster tends mostly up the next few days. High in the 60s will feel very, very good by next week.

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April showers next week? What a (welcome) concept.