Emmer wants the U.S. to declare war on ISIS

Republican congressman Tom Emmer
U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer, March 26, 2015.
Brett Neely | MPR News file

U.S. Rep. Tom Emmer wants the United States to declare war on ISIS.

Emmer, who represents Minnesota's 6th District, has introduced a resolution declaring that "a state of war exists between the Islamic State and the Government and the people of the United States."

Even though ISIS is not a country, Emmer thinks declaring war makes sense.

"The Islamic State is at war with the United States of America and frankly our way of life," Emmer told MPR News host Tom Crann. "This is a state, this is a large piece of geography that was formally under the control of Iraq and Syria."

Emmer says he has been assured the resolution will get a full and open discussion after Congress is back in session in January.