Dancing is church: The importance of queer clubs

Brooklyn-based artist Quito Ziegler is the author and photographer of a piece featured this week on the New York Times Lens blog, Why We Dance: Photos from the 'Radical Queer Underground.'"

The pictures capture scenes at Sugarland, a nightclub in Brooklyn, and they're accompanied by Ziegler's essay about love, dance, and collective grieving.

"Queer people everywhere work it out every weekend, together, on dance floors, defiantly. Even the most repressive societies in the world can't shut down my people's need to dance, our need to convert rage into furious motion, the liberation that comes from collective resistance.

This week we dance for our sisters and their loved ones in Orlando, Fla. Rest in Power. Rest in Joy. #SayTheirNames."

Ziegler talked with Tom Weber about the pictures, why they decided to publish them now, and the significance of places like Sugarland.