Photos: Life inside the Dakota Access pipeline protest

The winter sun shines down Flag Road
The winter sun shines down Flag Road from the east in the Oceti Sakowin camp where Dakota Access pipeline protesters have settled in for the winter.
Evan Frost | MPR News

Fireworks and songs rang out across the Oceti Sakowin protest camp on Sunday after the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it would not grant an easement for the Dakota Access oil pipeline in southern North Dakota.

Demonstrators have gathered for months to oppose the pipeline's proposed route beneath the Missouri River, warning the project threatened a crucial water source and cultural sites. With the pipeline effectively stopped for now, it's unclear if protesters will stay through the harsh winter or disband.

MPR News photographers recently captured scenes of life at Oceti Sakowin, the largest of several camps housing demonstrators. Here's a look at what they saw.