Political Junkie: Domestic turmoil after President Trump's trip abroad

President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump board Air Force One
President Donald Trump and First Lady Melania Trump wave as they board Air Force One before departing from U.S. military Naval Air Station Sigonella on May 27, 2017 near Taormina in Sicily.
Mandel Ngan | Getty

News from the White House continued to emerge over the weekend.

President Trump returned from his first trip abroad since being elected. Did he accomplish what he set out to do?

White House communications director Michael Dubke resigned. Are there more staff shake-ups ahead? The Washington Post reported that Trump's son-in-law Jared Kushner discussed setting up a secure communications channel between the Trump transition team and Russia. How does this factor into the ongoing Russia probe?

Political analyst and host of the Political Junkie podcast, Ken Rudin, spoke with MPR News host Tom Weber about the questions rising from this weekend's news.